Fungalpedia – Note 121 Pseudoalternaria


Pseudoalternaria D.P. Lawr., Gannibal, Dugan & B.M. Pryor

Citation when using this entry: Tibpromma et al., in prep – Fungalpedia, new genera and higher taxa in 2014. Mycosphere.

Index Fungorum, FacesoffungiMycoBankGenBank, Fig 1.

Pseudoalternaria was described with the type species Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheria, and Alternaria rosae was transferred to Pseudoalternaria based on morphological and molecular data (single and combined ITS/gpd/Plasma membrane ATPase) (Lawrence et al. 2014). The morphology of Pseudoalternaria is similar to Alternaria, but phylogenetic analysis, showed that Pseudoalternaria formed an independent lineage basal to AlternariaLawrence et al. (2016) transferred Pseudoalternaria to a new section of Alternaria (sect. Pseudoalternaria). However, Pseudoalternaria is invalid (Art. F.5.1, Shenzhen).

Type species: Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheri D.P. Lawr., Gannibal, F.M. Dugan & B.M. Pryor

Other described species:

Pseudoalternaria rosae (E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill) D.P. Lawr., Gannibal, Dugan & B.M. Pryor


Figure 1 – Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheria (holotype, redrawn from Lawrence et al. 2014). a-d Conidiophores and conidia. Scale bars: a, b = 12.5 μm, c = 25 μm, d = 50 μm.



Lawrence DP, Gannibal PB, Dugan FM, Pryor BM. 2014 – Characterization of Alternaria isolates from the infectoria species-group and a new taxon from Arrhenatherum, Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheria sp. nov. Mycological Progress 13, 257–276.

Lawrence DP, Rotondo F, Gannibal PB 2016 – Biodiversity and taxonomy of the pleomorphic genus Alternaria. Mycological Progress 15, 1–22.


Entry by

Tibpromma S & Dai DQ, Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011 P.R. China.


(Edited by Kevin D. Hyde)