Fungalpedia – Note 254, Hilidicellites (Fossil Fungi)


Hilidicellites Kalgutkar & Janson. 

Citation when using this entry: Saxena RK & Hyde KD. 2024 (in prep) – Fungalpedia, Fossil Fungi. 

Index Fungorum, Facesoffungi, MycoBank, GenBank, Fig. 1

Classification: Fossil Ascomycota, Incertae sedis

Kalgutkar & Jansonius (2000) instituted the genus Hilidicellites to accommodate Dicellaesporites appendiculatus, originally described by Sheffy & Dilcher (1971), from the Claiborne Formation (Middle Eocene, 56–34 mya) of Puryear clay pit, 800 m south of Puryear, Henry County, Tennessee, USA. This genus is characterized by small-to medium-sized dicellate fungal spores, with the proximal end flattened or truncated due to the presence of a hilum or pore-like structure. The two cells are generally of comparable size. Spore wall thin or of medium thickness, smooth or with subdued sculpture, generally thinner than septal base. Didymoporisporonites differs from Hilidicellites in having proximal cells, much smaller than the distal cells. Dicellaesporites differs in lacking a hilum or pore.

Type Species: Hilidicellites appendiculatus (Sheffy & Dilcher) Kalgutkar & Janson. 2000.

Basionym: Dicellaesporites appendiculatus Sheffy & Dilcher 1971.

Figure 1 – Hilidicellites appendiculatus. Scale bar = 20 μm. Redrawn from Sheffy & Dilcher (1971)



Kalgutkar RM, Jansonius J. 2000 – Synopsis of fungal spores, mycelia and fructifications. AASP Contribution Series 39, 1–423.

Sheffy MV, Dilcher DL. 1971 – Morphology and taxonomy of fungal spores. Palaeontographica Abt. B 133(1-3), 34–51.


Entry by

Ramesh K. Saxena, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, India


(Edited by Kevin D. Hyde, Samaneh Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani, & Achala R. Rathnayaka)


Published online 21 May 2024