Fungalpedia – Note  313, Grandibotrys


Grandibotrys L. Lombard & Crous 

Citation when using this entry: Perera et al. 2024 (in prep) – Fungalpedia, genera described in 2016. 

Index FungorumFacesoffungiMycoBankGenBank, Fig. 1

Classification: Stachybotryaceae, Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi.

Lombard et al. (2016) established Grandibotrys for two stachybotrys-like taxa with large, olivaceous green to dark brown conidia that have a mammiform apical and/or basal protrudance. Furthermore, they clustered distantly from the Stachybotrys clade in cmdA-ITS-rpb2tub2 phylogeny (Lombard et al. 2016). Grandibotrys is characterized by macronematous mononematous conidiophores occur solitary or in groups, are erect, septate, unbranched or branched, hyaline with thin and smooth walls. The whorls of 2–4 conidiogenous cells arise from the apex of the conidiophores. They are phialidic, subcylindrical to clavate to fusiform, hyaline and smooth-walled with visible collarettes. The conidia are aseptate, olivaceous green to dark brown, limoniform to ellipsoidal with a mammiform apex and a rounded base. They have thick and smooth walls. The sexual morph remains undetermined (Lombard et al. 2016). Grandibotrys species are saprobes that occur on decaying woods (Lombard et al. 2016; Hyde et al. 2017). This genus includes three species (Lombard et al. 2016; Hyde et al. 2017).

Type species: Grandibotrys pseudotheobromae L. Lombard & Crous

Other accepted species: Species Fungorum, search Grandibotrys


Figure 1 Grandibotrys pseudotheobromae (CBS 136170, ex-type). a Conidiophores. b Conidiogenous cells. c Conidia. Scale bars: a, b = 20 μm, c = 10 μm. Redrawn from Lombard et al. (2016).



Lombard L, Houbraken J, Decock C, Samson RA et al. 2016 – Generic hyper-diversity in Stachybotriaceae. Persoonia 36, 156–246.

Hyde KD, Norphanphoun C, Abreu VP, Bazzicalupo A et al. 2017 – Fungal diversity notes 603–708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species. Fungal Diversity 87, 1–235.


Entry by

Rekhani Hansika Perera, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, 57100, Thailand.


(Edited by Kevin D. Hyde, Samaneh Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani, & Achala R. Rathnayaka)


Published online 27 August 2024