Fungalpedia – Note 297, Chlorocillium


Chlorocillium Zare & W. Gams

Citation when using this entry: Perera et al. 2024 (in prep) – Fungalpedia, genera described in 2016. 

Index FungorumFacesoffungiMycoBankGenBank, Fig. 1

Classification: Incertae sedis, Incertae sedis, Incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi

Zare & Gams (2016) introduced Chlorocillium to accommodate Chlorocillium griseum based on LSU, SSU and ITS sequence data. Chlorocillium species are entomogenous (Zare & Gams 2016; Tan & Shivas 2023, 2024). Chlorocillium is characterized by dry, slow-growing, greenish-ochraceous colonies producing hyphomycetous asexual morphs. Short conidiophores bear meagre whorls of phialides. The conidia are fusiform and occur in dry chains. The genus currently accommodates three species (Zare & Gams 2016; Tan & Shivas 2023, 2024). However, the sexual morph retains undetermined. Tan & Shivas (2023) accepted Chlorocillium in Sordariomycetes, incertae sedis.

Type species: Chlorocillium griseum (Petch) Zare & W. Gams

Figure 1 – Chlorocillium griseum (a, b: CBS 387.73, epitype; c: CBS 101243). a–c Conidiophores and conidia. c–g Conidia. Scale bars: a–c = 10 μm. Redrawn from Zare & Gams (2016).



Tan YP, Shivas RG. 2023 – Nomenclatural novelties. Index of Australian Fungi 22, 1–14.

Tan YP, Shivas RG. 2024 – Nomenclatural novelties. Index of Australian Fungi 31:1–12.

Zare R, Gams W. 2016 – More white verticillium-like anamorphs with erect conidiophores. Mycological Progress 15, 993–1030.


Entry by

Rekhani Hansika Perera, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, 57100, Thailand.


(Edited by Kevin D. Hyde, Samaneh Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani, & Achala R. Rathnayaka)


Published online 8 July 2024