Fungalpedia – Note 90 Brunneofissura
Brunneofissura Marasinghe, Hongsanan & K.D. Hyde.
Citation when using this entry: Marasinghe et al., in prep – Taxonomic monograph of epifoliar fungi. Fungal Diversity (In proof)
Index Fungorum, Facesoffungi, MycoBank, GenBank, Fig 1.
Brunneofissura was introduced by Marasinghe et al. (2022b) with the type species of B. thailandica. This genus morphologically resembles Morenoina in its brown to black X- or Y-shaped or elongated thyriothecia, opening by a linear fissure, hyaline, oblong to cylindrical, 8-spored asci and ovoid to clavate, 1-septate, hyaline ascospores (Marasinghe et al. 2022b). However, it differs by its pale brown linear fissures, with free dark brown hyphae, appressoria at the margin of thyriothecia, and filiform pseudoparaphyses, all features that Morenoina lacks (Hongsanan et al. 2014, Marasinghe et al. 2022b). Phylogenetically (LSU and ITS), B. thailandica is close to Cylindrohyalospora fici to which it is morphologically comparable due to their different morphs. Cylindrohyalospora has superficial, rounded to oval, flattened pycnothyria with unicellular, cylindrical hyaline conidia (Tennakoon et al. 2021). The hyphae with appressoria like structures at the margins of thyriothecia reflects its biotrophic nature. This a monotypic genus and no further species have been recorded yet.
Type species: Brunneofissura thailandica Marasinghe, Hongsanan & K.D. Hyde
Other accepted species: this genus in monotypic
Figure 1 – Brunneofissura thailandica (Specimen examined –Thailand, Chiang Mai Province, Mushroom Research Center, on unidentified leaves, 11 September 2020, Diana Sandamali, MFLU 21–0040). a Leaf specimen. b, c Colonies on the leaf surface. d Thyriothecium. e Upper wall of thyriothecium. f Appressoriate hyphae at the margin. g, h Asci. i Ascospore. Scale bars: d =100 μm, e, f = 20 μm, g, h =10 μm, i = 5 μm.
Hongsanan S, Li YM, Liu JK et al. 2014 – Revision of genera in Asterinales. Fungal Diversity 68, 1–68.
Marasinghe DS, Hongsanan S, Zeng XY, Jones EBG et al. 2022a – Taxonomy and ecology of epifoliar fungi. Mycosphere 13(1), 558–601.
Marasinghe DS, Hongsanan S, Wanasinghe DN et al 2022b– Morpho-molecular characterization of Brunneofissuraceae fam. nov., Cirsosia mangiferae sp. nov., and Asterina neomangiferae nom. nov. Mycological Progress. 21, 279–295.
Tennakoon DS, Kuo CH, Maharachchikumbura SS et al. 2021 – Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to Celtis formosana, Ficus ampelas, F. septica, Macaranga tanarius and Morus australis leaf litter inhabiting microfungi. Fungal Diversity 108, 1–215.
Entry by
Marasinghe DS, Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57100.
(Edited by Kevin D. Hyde)